Sunday, 25 December 2016

Things like and dislike on campus UDINUS Semarang

This time I'll tell you that I like and I do not like on campus.

I study here Dian Nuswantoro University Semarang, strategically located in the middle of downtown, which is the same deket Tugu Muda Semarang.

Things I love on this campus, I can meet friends and get a good friend. Sharing with each other, and I also join in community Doscom Udinus. So I was glad to get a lot of knowledge here. The place of worship is within easy reach, while awaiting the noon hour rather than return to the boarding house, my friend and I took time to pray Dhuha at Campus Mosque and Hanging in it. Weather was very very cool. At the time of entry courses tastes can get excited about science and to share each other's closest friends, and if given the task group for example, the task of creating a movie, all in a compact and passion to accomplish the tasks given faculty. As well as the right time to finish.

Second, Things I do not like on this campus. If left for college upon arriving on campus is difficult find a parking spot should be moved to the parking lot only, ie Wednesday there is no timetable digedung H full parking lot should be moved in building C, was forced to walk. It also dislikes every schedule on the 5th floor should definitely go up the stairs first, there is a lift but it is always crowded. So the fastest climbing stairs it also was the very least I like to be exhausting. Furthermore, a lecturer at the late arrival of certain subjects, in addition to also replace the late hours make people annoyed.

B.Indonesia ( Terjemahan )

Kali ini saya akan menceritakan hal yang saya sukai dan saya tidak sukai di kampus.

Aku kuliah di universitas dian nuswantoro semarang, letaknya sangat strategis di tengah tengah kota, yaitu deket sama Tugu Muda Semarang.

Hal yang aku sukai di kampus ini , aku bisa bertemu teman-teman dan mendapatkan sahabat yang baik. Saling berbagi satu sama lain, dan aku juga gabung di komunitas Doscom Udinus. Jadi aku senang bisa mendapatkan banyak ilmu disini. Tempat ibadah mudah dijangkau , selagi menunggu jam siang daripada pulang ke kos, aku dan temanku menyempatkan diri untuk sholat Dhuha di Masjid Kampus dan Nongkrong di dalamnya. Hawanya sangat sejuk sekali. Pada saat masuk matkul rasanya senang banget bisa mendapat ilmu dan saling share ke teman-teman terdekat, dan jika mendapat tugas kelompok contohnya tugas membuat film, semuanya pada kompak dan semangat untuk menyelesaikan tugas-tugas yang diberikan dosen. Serta tepat waktu untuk menyelesaikannya.

Kedua, Hal yang tidak aku sukai di kampus ini. Jika berangkat kuliah sesampai di kampus susah cari parkir harus pindah ke tempat parkiran satunya, misal hari Rabu ada jadwal digedung H disana parkiran penuh harus pindah di gedung C, terpaksa jalan kaki. Selain itu juga hal yang tidak disukai setiap ada jadwal di lantai 5 pasti harus naik tangga dulu, ada lift tapi selalu ramai. Jadi paling cepat naik tangga itu juga pun hal yang sangat paling tidak kusukai harus menguras tenaga. Selanjutnya dosen pada mata kuliah tertentu datangnya telat, selain telat juga ganti jam jadi membuat orang jengkel.

Tugas Bahasa Inggris
Nama : Alvian Fajar Irvansya
NIM : A12.2016.05458
Kelas : A12.6102

Saturday, 3 December 2016

Vacation to Grandma's House (Happy Story)

Vacation to grandma's house

     This time I am going to tell a happy story holiday house to Grandma. This story I experienced last month precisely the eve of Eid arrives, time is different as in the previous year, due to the previous year before Eid arrived me and my family vacation to grandma's house but this year I vacation to grandma's house alone with my uncle, but no problem for me though much later the same parents that most pleased me in the heart to meet grandma and grandpa and I could set foot again in my native country, precisely in Wonogiri. That's where I was born and it was there I first saw this world.

     At that moment before Eid I depart from Rembang to Wonogiri accompanied by my uncle, I set up the night Bus. We travel quite a long time about 8 hours, and until there Toward dawn. Make my body was tired, but not why my grandmother when she reached home I will be greeted by my grandparents and hugged my body for up to do. Because I had not met a year. After that I go home and take a break. Later that day I woke up and my favorite food made by my grandmother, roast chicken. Neither before eating hurried shower first, and after that I will have lunch with my grandparents. This moment once a year I have met with my grandparents in their own hometown.

     The first day it felt thrilled but nothing made me think that there is no brother visiting grandmother at home, I thought maybe tomorrow because tomorrow is Eid and there is also what makes me sad because Eid tomorrow without a father and mother here. But not why, soon I would definitely much the same college parents. From this I learned while I was away at a parent, I have to be independent.

     The next day, my brother from Tangerang came here and I welcome them with my grandmother and my grandfather. Already guessed would come today, I was happy and relieved I finally had a friend here, and my mother said my sister would call me here also wants to overtake me. Definitely fireworks tonight I thought, it was late in the evening I and my brother bought fireworks and I turned on the home front of grandma.

Tugas Bahasa Inggris I
Nama : Alvian Fajar I
NIM : A12.2016.05458
Kel : A12.6102